Maple Class
Welcome to Year 2, 3 and 4.
Class 1 teachers- Miss Underwood and Miss Ashton
In maths we explored capacity and volume.
Class 1 had a fantastic afternoon taking part in athletics!
In science lesson we were learning to set up a test and observe what happens over time. At first, we observed what happened when we added water to the skittles. We enjoyed watching the colours run to the centre! We then discussed which variables we could change and decided to change the type of liquid to milk. We then worked in small groups to investigate what happened when we added milk to the skittles. We found out that the colours dissolved much slower than they did in the water.
The children working hard on fractions in maths lesson.
An example of some beautiful handwriting in Class 1 this week.
Class News
Red Nose Day 2024
Class 1 looked amazing for red nose day!! 🔴
World Book Day 2024
Virtual Workshop 2024
On Monday we had a virtual workshop with author and illustrator Anna Terreros-Martin. She shared her new story ‘Can you see the stars tonight?’ We then had a draw a long session with her learning how to draw puffins, pufflings and a bat. ⭐️
Little Wandle- Letters and Sounds
As part of this phonics programme, the children are assessed and given carefully matched decodable books. These books are used in school 3 times a week during the children’s reading lessons. Lesson 1 focuses on decoding the text and discussing key vocabulary, lesson 2 focuses on prosody (reading with expression) and lesson 3 focuses on the comprehension skills.
Once the children have had their 3 reading lessons in school, these books will be sent home for them to read to you. The aim is for the children to read these books with 95% fluency before they are brought home to read.
Books will be brought home on a Friday. Each Friday the children will bring home their new reading book alongside a book they have chosen that they would like you to read to them (a sharing book). Please see the attached document for further information.
The children will receive new spellings every Monday which will be tested the following Monday. We kindly request that you support your child in learning their weekly spellings by using the ‘look, say, cover, write, check’ method. This method involves your child looking at the word, saying it out loud, covering the word, attempting to spell the word, then uncovering the word to check what they have written is correct. Please could we request you use one page per week in the practise book, however, additional practise on other note paper is welcome.
Your child will be heard read at school each week; we kindly request your support to hear your child read a minimum of three times a week at home in addition to this. Please indicate in their reading diary when this has happened.
Maths and SPAG homework will be set on alternate Fridays (one Friday it will be maths, the following Friday it will be SPAG) and will be collected in on the following Wednesday. Your child will receive a Maths workbook and a SPAG workbook which will have the task highlighted and dated for your reference. The task will be closely linked to the learning which has taken place in the classroom that week as consolidation.
Maple Class
Welcome to Year 2, 3 and 4.
Class 1 teachers- Miss Underwood and Miss Ashton
In maths we explored capacity and volume.
Class 1 had a fantastic afternoon taking part in athletics!
In science lesson we were learning to set up a test and observe what happens over time. At first, we observed what happened when we added water to the skittles. We enjoyed watching the colours run to the centre! We then discussed which variables we could change and decided to change the type of liquid to milk. We then worked in small groups to investigate what happened when we added milk to the skittles. We found out that the colours dissolved much slower than they did in the water.
The children working hard on fractions in maths lesson.
An example of some beautiful handwriting in Class 1 this week.
Class News
Red Nose Day 2024
Class 1 looked amazing for red nose day!! 🔴
World Book Day 2024
Virtual Workshop 2024
On Monday we had a virtual workshop with author and illustrator Anna Terreros-Martin. She shared her new story ‘Can you see the stars tonight?’ We then had a draw a long session with her learning how to draw puffins, pufflings and a bat. ⭐️
Little Wandle- Letters and Sounds
As part of this phonics programme, the children are assessed and given carefully matched decodable books. These books are used in school 3 times a week during the children’s reading lessons. Lesson 1 focuses on decoding the text and discussing key vocabulary, lesson 2 focuses on prosody (reading with expression) and lesson 3 focuses on the comprehension skills.
Once the children have had their 3 reading lessons in school, these books will be sent home for them to read to you. The aim is for the children to read these