Welcome to

Alkborough Primary School

SEN Staff Voice

 Recent Comments:

'She  has had lots of reading opportunities and this has impacted on her progress positively'.

Teacher of a Y1 pupil on a nurture plan


'I love to deliver Speech and Language therapy sessions  as set out in individual care plans produced by speech therapists'.

EYFS teacher


'We work in partnership with parents so they are aware of their child’s next steps'.

EYFS teacher


'I enjoy reviewing Pupil Profiles each term with pupils and parents as it is rewarding to acknowledge and celebrate the progress, the achievements and attainment of SEND pupils'. 

KS2 teacher 


'We use modelling of expectations, behaviour, social communication skills through engaging with children in their play'.

EYFS teacher


'Our focus is to enable all pupils to achieve their full potential through planning and delivering differentiated, engaging and varied lessons.  For pupils with SEND this also means ensuring they can easily access learning and that all resources and support provided facilitate this as well as assisting progress'.

KS2 teacher


'Pupils being given brain breaks can have a substantial positive effect in overall work output in a lesson'.

KS2 teaching assistant


'I love delivering the Toe by Toe intervention to children.  I can see the progression and most children are enthusiastic, they can also see how well they’re doing.  In a short time I’m amazed at how much each child improves.  Their confidence in reading and spelling has improved also'.

KS2 Teaching assistant


'I organise and implement interventions to meet individual needs such as speech and language, development of fine and gross motor skills and nurture for personal and social needs'.

KS1 teacher


'I deliver TELL (reading and phonics intervention) to meet the needs of children that have gaps in their phonic knowledge, this in turn aids their reading, writing and confidence'.

KS1 teaching assistant


'I really find nurture time with pupils informative and valuable.  Helping pupils develop strategies and processes to improve their social and emotional literacy thus creating happier and more confident children'.



'I work closely with the teacher/s, we have professional conversations after formative and summative assessments to identify the children in class who need interventions and have gaps in their learning'.

KS1 teaching assistant

Welcome to

Alkborough Primary School

SEN Staff Voice

 Recent Comments:

'She  has had lots of reading opportunities and this has impacted on her progress positively'.

Teacher of a Y1 pupil on a nurture plan


'I love to deliver Speech and Language therapy sessions  as set out in individual care plans produced by speech therapists'.

EYFS teacher


'We work in partnership with parents so they are aware of their child’s next steps'.

EYFS teacher


'I enjoy reviewing Pupil Profiles each term with pupils and parents as it is rewarding to acknowledge and celebrate the progress, the achievements and attainment of SEND pupils'. 

KS2 teacher 


'We use modelling of expectations, behaviour, social communication skills through engaging with children in their play'.

EYFS teacher


'Our focus is to enable all pupils to achieve their full potential through planning and delivering differentiated, engaging and varied lessons.  For pupils with SEND this also means ensuring they can easily access learning and that all resources and support provided facilitate this as well as assisting progress'.

KS2 teacher


'Pupils being given brain breaks can have a substantial positive effect in overall work output in a lesson'.

KS2 teaching assistant


'I love delivering the Toe by Toe intervention to children.  I can see the progression and most children are enthusiastic, they can also see how well they’re doing.  In a short time I’m amazed at how much each child improves.  Their confidence in reading and spelling has improved also'.

KS2 Teaching assistant


'I organise and implement interventions to meet individual needs such as speech and language, development of fine and gross motor skills and nurture for personal and social needs'.

KS1 teacher


'I deliver TELL (reading and phonics intervention) to meet the needs of children that have gaps in their phonic knowledge, this in turn aids their reading, writing and confidence'.

KS1 teaching assistant


'I really find nurture time with pupils informative and valuable.  Helping pupils develop strategies and processes to improve their social and emotional literacy thus creating happier and more confident children'.



'I work closely with the teacher/s, we have professional conversations after formative and summative assessments to identify the children in class who need interventions and have gaps in their learning'.

KS1 teaching assistant