Welcome to

Alkborough Primary School

Governors Welcome  

A warm welcome to visitors, parents and prospective parents to the Alkborough Primary School website.
As Chair of the Governing Body, and as a parent I am particularly proud to support Alkborough school, which delivers such high standards or education for the local area.
In support of the Headteacher, volunteer Governors have a valuable role in representing the views of parents as Alkborough Primary School meets new challenges and continues to improve.
With such highly motivated and dedicated staff, Alkborough provides a happy, safe and caring environment for children to learn and play.
I hope you find the website useful and further information is available by contacting Alkborough Primary School directly.
If you would like to contact the Governors, then you can email myself, Michelle Garlick at mgarlick@alkboroughps.co.uk 

The governing body is made up of staff, parent, community and local authority appointed governors. Working together in support of the schools vision the governing body has three core functions:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  2. Holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the performance management of staff.
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

Governors attend full governing body meetings each term, as well as representing the board on a number of sub-committees including health and safety, safeguarding, finance, standards and curriculum and resources. With designated responsibilities linked to the school development priorities for the year, governors are encouraged to go in to school and observe lessons and meet with staff and children.

All of our Governors are all volunteers who give up a great deal of their time to govern the school, we really appreciate what our Governors do for our school. 

A list of our Governors can be found here

What are the benefits of being a school Governor?

Welcome to

Alkborough Primary School

Governors Welcome  

A warm welcome to visitors, parents and prospective parents to the Alkborough Primary School website.
As Chair of the Governing Body, and as a parent I am particularly proud to support Alkborough school, which delivers such high standards or education for the local area.
In support of the Headteacher, volunteer Governors have a valuable role in representing the views of parents as Alkborough Primary School meets new challenges and continues to improve.
With such highly motivated and dedicated staff, Alkborough provides a happy, safe and caring environment for children to learn and play.
I hope you find the website useful and further information is available by contacting Alkborough Primary School directly.
If you would like to contact the Governors, then you can email myself, Michelle Garlick at mgarlick@alkboroughps.co.uk 

The governing body is made up of staff, parent, community and local authority appointed governors. Working together in support of the schools vision the governing body has three core functions:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  2. Holding the head teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils and the performance management of staff.
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

Governors attend full governing body meetings each term, as well as representing the board on a number of sub-committees including health and safety, safeguarding, finance, standards and curriculum and resources. With designated responsibilities linked to the school development priorities for the year, governors are encouraged to go in to school and observe lessons and meet with staff and children.

All of our Governors are all volunteers who give up a great deal of their time to govern the school, we really appreciate what our Governors do for our school. 

A list of our Governors can be found here

What are the benefits of being a school Governor?